Barbara B Blog

I am a registered nurse learning to branch out into writing on the internet. Considering the first computer I had was only in 2003, I still consider myself a newbie. Besides I am an adult learner so it can be slow going at times. I write on other sites such as HubPages (avatar is rnmsn) xomba (avatar is rnmsn) Helium, (avatar is barbara b) Bukisa (avatar is barbara b) squidoo lens (avatar is bbethard).

I have different different articles on all my sites so feel free to browse around and let me know what you think. Here are the URL to my profiles on my different sites:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Diet and Weight Loss; No This Is Not an Ad For Diet Pills or Meals

The older we get the harder it is to lose weight. The one thing no one likes to hear is "you seem to be putting on a little weight" and it does not get easier to hear the older you get. There are many ways and many quick fix solutions touted to bring rapid, guaranteed weight loss solutions.

Do not believe them. They are only partial truths. Yes, you can probably drop 5 to 10 pounds in a week by the use of diet pills. This is a fine way to go to your reunion or have family picture made but if a long term solution and a happier, healthier health style is your goal it takes time, hard work and persistence.

I know, terrible to hear isn't it?'Even harder to live by! But the rewards are great when you do decide to follow this simple plan.

First, forget that diet, the word, means pain and hunger, instead focus on the word food and it will become energy! After all, isn’t that what food is? Food is fuel, food is energy, and food keeps us going…remember all those phrases? Of course you do!

Well here is where you start: omg say it isn’t so! Yes, it is so. Breakfast! The first and most important part of your day! Why?

Because it will set the tone, the feel, for the rest of your day.

If all you do is drink a couple of cups of yummy coffee and then rush around madly trying to get through your morning how far do you get? That’s what I thought. If you leave home at 6:45 AM with two cups swirling around in your gut, then traffic or a bus or a subway, then the workplace and another harried cup and a half of coffee then it is 10:25AM and your stomach is rolling. Before you dredge the bottom of your purse for a lint covered pepcid you think “well maybe if I ate a little something I would feel better” So you throw money into the gullet of the junk food machine and it spits out some stale crackers or partially melted chocolate candy and off you go rushing around madly for oh…maybe 80 minutes!

Go on, deny it, I dare you.

Hey, I am there! Coffee and Twix, food of the gods.

And here I sit, closing fast on sixty years, probably way less than the 5 foot in height I lied about twenty years ago and now 135 pounds.

We have to change the way we live, and think, and feed our bodies. If we don’t, we will not be able to walk and pick up beer cans off the side of the road in another 15 or 20 years and yes we will have to do that because there will NOT be any more money for our pitiful social security checks!

WOW what a wonderful run on sentence

Hey! Focus here people the NURSE is speaking!

This lecture is so easy to give, only takes a few moments, makes great sense and is true. Plus, IF you do follow this advice in one year you will have lost at the minimum 30 pounds and your health will have improved out of sight! If you keep it up, you will reach and maintain your ideal body weight in less than 5 years.

And all that influences the rest of your health, do you need to hear me spell this out?

OK Blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, back pain, respiratory distress and infections, the whole kit and caboodle will improve!

If all those disease systems improve guess what else you will lose? Medication and the bills that come with them! Yep, pretty good snag line isn’t it?

So what do you eat and how much will it cost?

How much pain will exercising cause you and how much do you have to do?

How often do you have to see your doctor and what do you do if the doctor says no walking or exercise of any kind?

Let’s address each question one at a time.

So what do you eat and how much will it cost? The best way to eat is as if you are a diabetic. I don’t mean the old diet plan of counting calories and weighing portion sizes and substituting carbohydrates. Don’t panic!

Diabetes is best treated with food and exercise along with medication. You are so lucky! If you are not already diabetic then no pills for you! Aren’t you so glad!

All you have to do is eat. I know, sounds like that TV commercial, I get that a lot. You eat small, frequent meals and you avoid foods that you know are not the best, rice, pasta, breads, cakes, sugary cereals. You know, white poison. Sugar and all its derivatives earned that title you know, that didn’t just get awarded to sugar for its good looks oh no! Sugar and all things white had to work extra long with mandatory unpaid overtime t get that title! Sugar is proud of that title! It will cheerfully kill you!

Sorry, I get carried away :)

OK, breakfast. It does not have to be eggs, bacon, fruit you know. If you want a hot dog, eat one. The whole thing here is to eat a LITTLE something and drink your water and your milk, not a huge glass of milk, just four to six swallows! I know, sounds weird, get over it.

Then go to work, drink your coffee, its fine, but no junk food! Take an apple, already sliced, or a carton of yogurt or fix yourself a few authentic peanut butter crackers at home and take them. No you cannot have graham crackers, geez. You may have Melba toast, wheat thins or saltines and just a tab of peanut butter not enough to choke you. And only fix four, no fair fixing six Melba toast or ten cheez its. Just four. That’s it. Drink your water.

At lunchtime eat a green salad or a fruit salad and no you cannot eat a tub full of the stuff. Salad does not have to be just greens; in fact it doesn’t have to have greens at all. You can have the tip of the serving spoon full of whatever is on the buffet as far as fruit and salads and you can fill your plate, just no fair creating Mt Everest! Drink your water and if you like you may have unsweet tea and or the same amount of milk.

Go back to work and laugh at your coworkers who can hardly keep their eyes open!

When you get home stay strong! Do NOT cave! Take a shower, whatever you do, supper must stay very light, grilled, baked or broiled meat or chicken or fish, the size of a deck of cards, any cooked vegetable, but only a piece of one, ,fruit and don’t forget to drink your water.

Why does it have to stay light at the evening? Because the night is the time for haunts and sorrow and for ice cream. See? Told you I was just the same as you !!!!!!

Hang in there, you will find what foods you love and you will lose the weight!

How much pain will exercising cause you and how much do you have to do? If you hate the “E” word as much as I do… (Right, I am the reason that treadmill just to the side of the guys’ weight equipment is broken.) Then you understand my pain and I feel yours. But it must be done and this “E” word is called Walking

That's all just walk.

But, you have to walk every day, even if it only for half an hour. Actually it’s my favorite time; get to watch the cute butts swing by me, I don’t have to walk fast, and I just have to walk. You can do that I bet. So it’s really free, nothing to join…

How often do you have to see your doctor and what do you do if the doctor says no walking or exercise of any kind?

Your physician needs to see you at the minimum of every six months and your physician will tell you how often to come for a checkup. The first visit must start before you start this lifestyle change. Your Doctor can give you a more detailed (though, sadly, not a more humorous one) of this type of diet plan with more suggestions as to the kinds of foods to eat every meal. Your Doctor will be the one to say how much, how often, how strenuous your “E” program can be. Your Doctor will be the one to follow you on a regular basis.

What do you do if the doctor says no walking or exercise of any kind?

Your Doctor will be able to suggest an alternative program, perhaps a passive range of motion plan, which will help until your Doctor feels you would be able to attempt a more rigorous exercise program. Only your Doctor will be able to advise you on how much exercise is the best thing for your health.

There you have it. No diet pills, no MRE’s to order through the mail. Yes, Meals Ready To Eat, what else are we supposed to call them? You do realize that the armed forces MRE’s are prepared by gourmet chef recipes, right? So what you order from the commercial for how to lose weight by eating their meals is just the same as what our guys/gals get to eat in the field. Tasty. Watch the History Channel and the Gunny, he does a really good show about MRE’s and how they have changed over war time. Gourmet recipe or not, I bet your food and your choices will be a tad bit tastier than something that comes prepackaged, precooked and predelivered!

I know, no such word as predelivered but hey, I was on a pre roll :) How can something be delivered before it is delivered?
barbara bethard

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